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Scientific conferences are among the most effective scientific events contributing to the development of science. They are meant to present the latest research findings and to keep up to date with the latest scientific breakthroughs in different fields of science. For young researchers, conferences serve as an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest discussions and activities in the scientific world.
KindCongress was founded in late 2016 with the aim of covering the most reliable scientific conferences all over the world.
The KindCongress website has been implemented to provide users with quick access to significant scientific events around the world.
The scientific events that we advertise or organize will be dealt with on our website individually and independently so that academics and students seeking to participate or present their articles in their desired conference would find what they are looking for most quickly and easily.
PaperCrowd is a free, community-driven, directory of academic conferences. Organisers use PaperCrowd to find new researchers for their event. Researchers use PaperCrowd to find new conferences they wish to attend.
PaperCrowd is built with ⤠by the team at Ex Ordo. We started as researchers and have been working with the research community since 2008. Our Ex Ordo online academic conference management system is used in 12 of the Top 20 universities in the world and in over 56 countries.
We’ve written a lot about the Call for Papers problem here and here on our blog. During our company reboot in Marrakesh in 2015 we talked about fixing the problem. The picture above is from the first PaperCrowd brainstorm session.
Paperleap helps researchers publish, search, and share Calls for Papers for academic conferences and scientific journals all over the world. We support the scientific community in publishing high quality research.
With a wide database of conferences around the world, allows you to search for international conferences and add your own events. Our service is intended to inform the community of relevant events and assist organizers, providing convenience for both interested participants and the people and organizations behind the events.
Our directory features a unique search allowing you to easily find conferences and events in any category or location, with detailed information including description, dates, map, prices, link to the official website, and more.
At, we have one goal: Simplify the search for events near you and relevant to you.
European Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ENNA) is a scientific and professional organization that represents chemists, biologists, physicists and material scientists in Europe, Asia and America. European Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ENNA) is a nonprofit organization and its mission is to promote interdisciplinary sciences. ENNA will ensure public services on all research and education matters within the scope of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It provides a common platform for the exchange of ideas among scientists, technologists, teachers, and students. ENNA is aiming at becoming the largest association of nanoscientists in Europe. The mission of the ENNA is to advance the creation, communication and application of nanoscience knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s lives.