Nikolaos K. Spyrou
Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki
Nikolaos K. Spyrou is Professor of Astronomy at the Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki, Greece, retired since 2011. He has taught extensively at both the under graduate and post graduated levels, conducted research work and lectured in many universities and research centers in Greece and abroad, and, also, served in many national and international administrational-scientific posts. His books and research articles belong to General Relativity Theory, Fluids, Gravitational Astrophysics, Environnemental Physis (and, secondarily, Space Physics, History of Astronomy, and Science Education), and, recently, Relativistic Cosmology combined with Thermodynamics for the polytropic Universe and its radical consequences and predictions.
Research Interest
General Relativity Theory, Fluids, Relativistic Cosmology and Thermodynamics, Gravitational Astrophysics, Environnemental Physis, Space Physics, History of Astronomy, Science Education